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CSDDD Approval Update
May 20, 2024
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5 minutes

The European Parliament’s latest approval paves the way for EU Member States to green light a law in Council which would obligate companies in scope to identify and address Human Rights and Environmental Aspects connected to their activities. Sweden has now endorsed the Directive. The last meeting of the EU Council was in May.

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SLCP Latest
May 13, 2024
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5 minutes

This Report shows the progress made in replacing Brand Social Audits with a Converged Tool, providing actionable Social & Labour Data for over 9000 Facilities, which covers of 6.6 Million workers across the world. The objective of SLCP is to eliminate the need for duplicative Brand Social Audits. In 2023 there has been an increase of 27% for SLCP Verified Reports. There was 28% of the overall assessments being related to non-Apparel and Footwear Facilities. SLCP estimate the around 26 Million US Dollars have been unlocked but potential for even greater savings through increased data sharing. There is no pass or fail criteria with SLCP, only identification of areas for action in order to undertaken improvements instead of preparing for audits. SLCP Verified Assessments identified a wide range of legal non-compliances, with the highest number being in the categories of working hours, wages & benefits, and health and safety.

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AA1000 Approval
April 5, 2024
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5 minutes

The Standards is leading methodology used by sustainability professionals worldwide for sustainability-related assurance engagements, to assess the nature and extent to which an organization adheres to the AccountAbility Principles.

The AA1000 (AccountAbility) Assurance Standard is an internationally recognised standard, that can provide the requirements for AA-licensed assurance providers to carry out sustainability assurance assessments.

The four principles of AA1000 include the inclusion of staff in decision-making processes that affect them identifying and being clear about important sustainability matters, acting transparently on sustainability topics and their subsequent impacts and Impact and measuring, monitoring and being accountable for their effect on broader ecosystems.

Working with AA1000, you can aim to embed greater sustainability practices into your business, a fundamental aspect of today’s business world. This also can be a part of an overall Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Strategy.

In order to receive a quotation for an audit against the AA1000 Standard, please send an email to and one of our Project Managers shall get back to you.